We spent the Fourth up in Michigan with Ken's Family at Sweetwater.
| Ken's cousins had saved a baby squirrel... I wanted nothing more than to get my grubby little hands on it. I thought that perhaps the squirrel kingdom and I could resolve our long-standing mutual hatred and enter into a new era of peace and understanding. They would stop digging up my garden and eating every single strawberry without exception...and I would stop shooting the hell out of them... |
And then the baby squirrel bit me. Someone pass the lima beans, I'm making Brunswick Stew.
Roasting the the turkeys on the grill was a big experiment that damn-near got completely out of control. The fire was so hot that the plastic basters melted from normal use. You can email me for the Baster Basted Turkey recipe. We did have some little venison sandwiches. | |
| The campfires at night were really quite incredible. I don't even want to ruin it by explaining it. They couldn't have been more idyllic unless Norman Rockwell himself came by to light the dang thing. |
Once it was really too dark for pictures, we started messing around with the moon and the shutter speed. It's surprisingly difficult to write upside-down and backwards. Ken demands 'props' for figuring out that it could be done.
Some creepies...the frog just might make the Biscuit Calendar this year...
Now that I know the official Michigan definition of 'two-track' - it's the road, apparently, and that makes the phrase "Be sure to keep it on the two-track" an important thing to fully understand - the golf cart experience was much more enjoyable this time. For me that is, not really so much for the woman that got creamed onto the windshield when 3-year-old AJ decided to resolve his urgent need to go for a ride.
| I was unaware of this rope swing by the pond. Which is fortunate because I'm pretty sure I would have ended up with a broken bone. Plus, the aforementioned golf cart lady said that the wait time at the local hospital was beyond enormous. Disaster averted. |
| There was an IMMEDIATE separation of the sexes as soon as Ken finished building a massive potato cannon. "And what," you ask, "were they shooting at?" Why the Port-A-Potty (TM), of course. |
Have you ever seen a homemade fireworks show? No? Well, here ya go...
...and some random pictures...
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