
My kid, the ass-kicker!

Going through some old (wow- month 'old') pictures and discovered this little series:
Jack gets put in the playpen with Jackson & Buzzy, notices Sippycup.

Buzzy defends the Sippycup Attack: Earstrike, Neck Punch and finish with a Thumb to the Eye. Buzz Maga! Auntie Nicole will be so proud!

Jackson, on the sidelines, is all, like, "Dewd - get me the hell outta here! He's crazy!"

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Anonymous said...

Defense against sippy cup disarm calls for a PIVOT when executing the finger strike to the throat. FAIL.

peabiscuit said...

Eff Off! You know you're scared of him! Any of your moves can be easily countered with elementary defenses such as, the Spit-Up Defense or the Dreaded Diaper-Bomb, such as.