

Ken and Tim needed to remove all distractions to finish work a few weekends ago. Apparently, I'm a distraction worthy of $300, unlimited mileage and gas.

So I drove...


...and drove...


...until I got to Cleveland..
Why Cleveland? Who the heck knows?

Went to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (meh) and the Cleveland Hall of Science. They had this bit of insanity going on. I'm sure Fark got a hold of this at some point. Scars and tattoos were discernible. Bits of hair. And there was junk...plenty of junk...more stripped down junk than I cared to see.

So what's the big deal? I got one of those flavored hot milk drinks at Starbucks and I don't see why they're supposed to be so much better in Ohio.

Fruits and Vegetables

Why can't I live near a market like this? Why must I wind up being jealous of a place like Cleveland?

There was an entire wing for produce and in the main building were fishmongers, butchers, confectioners, bakers, spices, fresh pasta, dairy - dairymongers? - and one guy roasting coffee. In fricking Cleveland. I need another Starbucks. Maybe I should bring one back for Ken.

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